Anti-Racist Leadership Series 301: Building an Anti-racist Organization (2022)




Participants in this program should have completed the 101 and 201 series as a pre-requisite. Exceptions can be granted based on interviews. 

Anti-Racist Leadership Series 301: Building an Anti-Racist Organization

This session will take the learnings from programs 101 and 201 and focus them on creating organizational transformation. During the three virtual meetings of this program, participants will first be given a model for assessing an organization, based on Howard Ross’s book, "ReInventing Diversity: Transforming Organizational Community to Strengthen People, Purpose, and Performance" (Rowman & Littlefield 2011), and then will assess their own organization. 

They will then come together and be trained and coached to collaboratively design strategies that can build their organization's capacity to drive change. The intention is to have this exercise be a laboratory for taking the skills and utilizing them within their organization. Strategies explored in this session are applicable both for participants who are leading initiatives or engaged in another capacity where they can share learning and best practices.