On June 22, Woolly Mammoth Theatre played host to LGW’s Annual Meeting, where we honored the past, celebrated the present, and looked forward to the future. Every year we look forward to gathering not just our members, but also our community stakeholders, to share all the goings-on over the past twelve months. As an organization committed to building connections between leaders for positive change in the region, we are always excited to share the work that we’ve been doing to make everything happen. And thank you to
Impact is something we talking about a lot at LGW. Seeing the tremendous changes our members have on the region is the best part of the work we do. And our board and staff are committed to making LGW as impactful as it can be in building the connections and growth necessary to fuel those efforts. Engaging with our members and our community is integral to our mission. And we would also like to thank all of our sponsors for their generous support of all of our efforts!
But the Annual Meeting is not just about us. It’s also about recognizing extraordinary work by organizations in supporting their community – our community – and this year we were proud to honor the DC Rape Crisis Center (DCRCC) with our Community Partner of the Year Award, presented by Gretchen Greiner-Lott ('17) on behalf of the Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation. The first and oldest rape crisis center in the country, the DCRCC is committed to building a world free of sexual violence and empowering a culture of consent. Indira Henard, the Center’s Executive Director, is also a member of the LGW Class of 2021 and a Board member.
The Annual Meeting is also about honoring our legacy. This month marks the end of our 35th Anniversary Celebration, and were honored to have in attendance two of our founders, Barbara Davis Blum and Steve Harlan. The history of LGW, our past, is intrinsic to the journey that we are now all a part of, and we owe so much to them for where we are today.
And last but not least, we celebrated LGW's Class of the Year, Resilient '21, for their perseverance through the most isolated moments of the COVID pandemic with a virtual program year, and their enthusiasm for fundraising and member-led programming. Congratulations!
And of course our members didn't pass up a chance to connect at the reception!
Thank you to everyone who joined us, and thank you to our sponsors, Woolly Mammoth Theater and Bank of America. We look forward to seeing you all again not just next year, but at many of the exciting events we have coming up!