M. Craig Pascal

Headshot of Craig Pascal

Retired Community Development Banking Executive

Craig Pascal is a fourth generation Washingtonian.  He has a strong commitment to the local community.  Mr Pascal is a retired Community Development Banking Executive with a strong track record of his financial institution receiving several "Outstanding" Community Reinvestment Act ratings during his banking career.   He is the recipient of the national Bridge Builders award from Partners for Livable Communities along with several other awards recognizing his efforts to improve the lives of low to moderate income persons and communities.   He has served on numerous boards including Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, Manna, Inc, So Others Might Eat (SOME)  and others.  Previously Mr Pascal was the General Counsel for the late Honorable Harry L Thomas, Sr, Councilmember, Ward 5, Washington, DC.  His college degree is in Finance.  He looks forward to continuing to have positive impact on the community, making lives better.