Leadership Today: Practical Decision-Making in a World of Overwhelming Choice


Explore how to become more decisive in general and learn to commit to what you want​:
Patrick McGinnis, creator of the term “FOMO” short for “Fear of Missing Out," and author of the international bestseller The 10% Entrepreneur: Live Your Startup Dream Without Quitting Your Day Job and the newly released Fear of Missing Out: Practical Decision-Making in a World of Overwhelming Choice.

We are used to the idea that having options is a good thing. But too many choices, and too much information, can easily get us stuck: we wait so long for a perfect next step that we risk missing out altogether. In this webinar, venture capitalist and author Patrick McGinnis explains how to avoid analysis paralysis and make good decisions about important life and career choices.

He will discuss:

• How to make, and not regret, big career decisions
• How a little FOMO (fear of missing out) can be a good thing
• The value of discarding choices and reducing distractions
• Why action trumps options
• The 3 simple, yet powerful, techniques to becoming decisive.

Patrick will also explore how to become more decisive in general and learn to commit to what you want (and have the courage to miss out on the rest).

Hosted by Mahan Tavakoli ('98) LGW Board Chair and CEO, Strategic Leadership Ventures

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